Suburban Railway Extension by Ropeway | Feasibility Study
City in southern Germany (confidential)
Mono-cable Gondola Detachable (MGD)
Project description
The feasibility study assesses the extension of an existing suburban railway line to a central public transportation hub of the city by means of a ropeway based on the analysis of different cable car alignment options.
An important part of the study is the analysis of the possibilities to integrate the ropeway into existing public transport structures. At the same time, the study serves to sensitize the customer to future project contents as well as to show the pros and cons of ropeways in the context of an urban environment.
The proposed urban ropeway is a Mono-cable Gondola Detachable (MGD) system with a total length of 4.9 km, a capacity of 1,800 pphpd and 4 stations.
Service description
The feasibility study included the following topics:
- Analysis of the project boundary conditions
- Ropeway integration in the public transportation network
- Determination of user groups
- General use of ropeways in urban areas
- Legal framework for urban ropeways
- Investigation and evaluation of alignment options
- Selection of the preferred ropeway lines
- Selection of ropeway technology and calculation of system data
- Analysis of critical environmental influences
- Static rope line calculation
- Creation of layout plan and longitudinal profile
- Development of an operation and maintenance plan
- Estimation of investment and O&M costs
- Presentation of a project schedule
- Architectural station design (rendering)